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The Erotic Review

EscortDirectory.TV - Escorts World Wide

Contact Us

You can contact us in either English or French by Email.

We are available at all times!

If you want to call us, we would like between 9am and 2am.
If you, however, cannot call between these times, send an Email when you can and we will try to help you.

If you know what you want, you can send us an email with the folloing information:

  • Your name,
  • The escort you would like,
  • The place and time of the reservation,
  • The duration of the reservation.

We advise you to use the Booking Form below:

It would also help if you include you phone number so we can contact you easily.

We will reply to your email within the hour.
If the escort is not available we will tell you which escorts are available, so you can still choose.
If you wait until the last moment to book, it often happens the escort you want is not available.


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Booking Form:

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